Port Chicago Disaster-80 Years Later
I have had an incredible couple of days attending events for the 80th anniversary of the Port Chicago disaster. On Friday I went to what was supposed to be an exoneration workshop put on by the CCCBA where community members could learn about how they can support efforts to exonerate the 256 African-American men who had…
Working, Walks and Women
It’s been a productive and challenging week at work. Still a relatively steep learning curve, but things are starting to fall in place more. We were hit with a very unexpected financial challenge, being asked to pay rent for a space that up until now we had been able to use for free. That meant…
Cooler Weather
Saturday was a cloudy day, with beautiful sunlight at sunrise. The clouds also made it cooler, which was much nicer for being outside. I took the dogs for a short walk, which got a bit crazy when Amicus ran after the neighbors dog and pulled himself right out of his collar! Luckily, he lost interest…
It’s Been A Week
It has been a busy week at work, full of ups and downs. My favorite times have been meeting one on one with staff and getting to know them better. They are so such a wonderful, creative, enthusiastic, positive group. I feel so lucky to get to learn from them. I’m finding I’m really struggling…
Getting Some Culture
I spent most of Friday and Saturday doing two days of both paid and volunteer work and chores, then Sunday was a day for culture and fun. Actually, I did have fun on Friday morning going to the beach again with my sister Lori. This time instead of sunshine and crowds, the beach was very…
4th of July – Sand and Singing
I had an awesome 4th of July with my sisters! Lori drove down from Sacramento in the morning and we headed to Stinson Beach for a walk on the sand. Because it had been such a hot week in the Bay Area, many people had decided to head to the beach. By the time we…
Now that I’m back working full-time and have to commute part of the time I haven’t had as much time to write in my blog. There has been plenty going on as I am getting to know the staff and operations at Village Community Resource Center, but that combined with the extreme heat has not…
An Engagement Party ❤️
Today was Kieran and Kourtney’s engagement party! Mom and I headed over just after 10, and we’re very happy not to hit much traffic. A couple of weeks ago the Marysville hotel caught fire since then all traffic through the middle of downtown, where the hotel is located, has been rerouted which caused a slow…
Hiking With A Friend- Heaven!
I spent a fabulous day hiking at Portola Redwood State Park with a friend from my bar association days. We took a few different trails, both huffing and puffing up the steeper than expected hills, then settled in at the campfire center to eat our lunch. Our topics ranged all over the place from how…
A New Work Adventure
This week marks the start of my role as Interim Executive Director at the Village Community Resource Center. This is a return to my community-based nonprofit roots, and three days in I am very happy to have made the move. I am so impressed with the vibrant, positive, creative group of employees who are the…