Horrors of All Kinds

Another roller coaster of a week with continued challenges at work and very happy times with family. Annemarie made bagels, yummy! She and Emmy and I gave out candy and potatoes to trick-or-treaters at Emmy’s house (you would be surprised how many people took potatoes!). There were tons of people out, most of the parents were also wearing costumes, it was so much fun to see everybody enjoying themselves.

The next day Annemarie, Chrissy and I took a Waymo, a self driving car, to a live stage show of the Rocky Horror Picture Show. It was a little disconcerting at first being in a car without a driver, especially seeing the steering wheel moving by itself. I was in the front seat and wasn’t sure what it would be like at first, but it actually felt very safe. My sister commented that the Waymo drove like an old woman, coming to complete stops, always keeping within the speed limits and braking abruptly if there was anything that came close to it. I thought it was pretty funny on our return trip when it was raining that the windshield wipers were on – it’s not like it needed to see out of the windscreen!

The Rocky Horror Picture Show was fantastic! The show started in a bar area then we were shepherded into the main theater space. My sister had sprung for the premium seats so we were right next to the runway and had drinks while we enjoyed dancing and more theatrics from the narrator and other performers. The show was completely over the top, as you would expect of a Rocky Horror Picture Show production in San Francisco, and the performers all seem like they were having a wonderful time. It was so good to get out and laugh and sing (Let’s Do the Time Warp Again!) Work has been really stressful the last couple of weeks and I wanted to enjoy the few days that I had with Annemarie so this was a great way to do it.

On Saturday, we slept in then celebrated both Annemarie and my nephew Cameron’s birthdays with the family. One of the gifts Cameron received was a small portable lantern, which made all of us sisters spontaneously burst out singing ‘This Little Light of Mine’! Saturday was also the last day I got to spend with Annemarie before she headed back to New Zealand the next day. It was hard to say goodbye, though I was just so grateful to have this unexpected time with her.

It was a whirlwind week at work, with a community meeting, than a long board meeting and lots of other things going on. On Friday, I attended a celebration for the Promotoras who are volunteer facilitators for our SerenaMente mental health wellness programs. It was a beautiful event, full of laughter, love and support. It was almost entirely in Spanish, but I didn’t need to be able to understand what anybody was saying to know what the feelings were. I feel so lucky to have been able to get to know and work with such amazing women. And the food was incredible-the best mole I have ever eaten.

On Saturday I participated in a day long Board Essentials training with two VCRC board members. It was geared toward newer board members, though I felt it was helpful for all board members, especially if an organization had not done much board training or orientation. I ran into old friends from CCCBA and other areas of my life and met some great folks who are dedicated to making improvements in their communities. It was a very positive and reaffirming day.

I love the sky and changing colors of the leaves this time of the year.