I’ve been experimenting with haiku poetry as one of my daily creative works. Here’s a sample:
Cosy in my chair
Rain quietly coming down
Best time of the day
Is it the coffee
Or the thought of the coffee
That brings me such joy?
How can one small change
Create waves that roll along
And topple stone walls?
What is it that moves
A static idea to
A complete action?
How do I know when
To forgo comfort and let
Nature open me up?
If I want to feel
I have to rest and let go
Fear equals feeling
I am not perfect
All of nature is flawed and
That is the beauty
Just for one minute
I shed my heavy armor
And I fly free again
Share your gifts with others
Especially those you hate
They need you the most
Always wanting rest
But then it brings no relief
How can I let go?
Feeling paralyzed
An overfull life of stuff
But no space for me
To do list beckons
‘Trust me, I am the answer
I will never leave’
How do I break out?
Seduced by too much comfort
I don’t know myself
A crisp clear morning
Gratitude expands my soul
Let me feel it all
External seeking
For answers that live inside
Where is the entrance?
Is there an answer
To the middle of my life?
How do I solve it?