Beautiful morning skies

Taking Winston for a walk and meeting a fellow bulldog, they both just stared at each other silently

Hiking on the Bluffs at Bodega Bay with a friend on a beautiful day, the smell of the sea, the sound of waves crashing, the feel of warm sunlight, great conversation. Just what I needed after getting through an extremely challenging week at work.

Watching Woman of the Hour with Anna Kendrick. It really captured the different ways that women contort themselves in an attempt to feel safe when they are feeling threatened by men. Whew.
Catching up with one of my college roommates Stacy at the Ruth Bancroft Garden. We were both captivated by the succulents. We have both been going through a lot at work and with aging parents lately. It’s really helpful to have somebody else to talk to who gets how hard it can be.

Checking out baskets made from natural materials and a crochet creations made by an entrepreneurial young man.

Listening to Winston snore very loudly on the couch after going for an afternoon walk.

One response to “My Week in Pictures”
Loved our time together and talking with someone who is able to truly able to empathize.