Reconnecting and Creating
Yesterday I went by the CCCBA office, it was so wonderful to see all my old colleagues, hear about what’s been going on in their lives, and the great new things that the Bar Association has been doing the last six months. It felt strange to be there but not really know what was going…
The World At Three Miles An Hour
I’ve mainly been hanging out with Winston. The first couple of days I was looking after him it was rainy, so I read – just finished The Sleepwalker by Chris Bohjalian, had a great twist at the end, now I’m onto The Serial by Cyra McFadden, a hilarious satire about Mill Valley in the 70s (it was also made…
Mini Travels
The last few days have been fairly quiet, in between some short trips in the East and North bays I’ve been doing some research about different career areas that I am interested in, mainly reading and checking out some websites and on YouTube. I’ve also restarted practicing Taiko drumming which has been fun-I didn’t realize how…
Joy In Nature
On Monday I got out for a walk on one of my favorite local trails that leads up to the Miwok Trail. I just love the view from up there. The two podcasts I listened to today were very relevant to my current life. One was about people doing something unexpected (This American Life) and…
Back On the Trail and At the Symphony
Finally got out on real hiking trails! Things have dried out enough that Julie, Gabriella and I decided to get back to the dirt. Today we hiked 2 segments of the Bay Area Ridge Trail in Novato. One was a section that went near Stafford Lake, and the other connected to Indian Tree Open Space.…
Time In The City
I spent Friday and Saturday in San Francisco for a State Bar commission orientation. I really enjoyed getting to know the other commission members and learning more about the work we will be doing. It’s great during this time of exploration and slowing down to have an opportunity to use my analytical, interviewing, writing, and…
This and That
Some highlights of the last couple of days: Sitting next to the fireplace at my sisters book club during a discussion of We Run the Tides with the author Vendela Vida (such a great name!) It was fascinating to learn about her writing process, the different ways she decides names for characters and places, her writing community…
Mill Valley Meanders
I have spent the last two days reacquainting myself with parts of Mill Valley that I haven’t been to for a while and thinking about what my next steps are going to be. I can feel my anxiety increase at the thought of not having any definite plans for the foreseeable future. Wondering if I…
Winter Walks
I had a social and active weekend. After taking Winston for a walk on Saturday morning, I met up with a group from the CCCBA who were walking around the Lafayette reservoir. It was so nice to catch up with folks I haven’t seen in quite a long time! The weather was perfect for a…
I’ve been sticking close to home, getting out for walks around the neighborhood, sometimes alone, sometimes with my mom. I am still pretty tired, I think I did a little too much when I got out of Covid isolation and that combined with the long flight home and jet lag has knocked me for a loop. …