The last few days have been fairly quiet, in between some short trips in the East and North bays I’ve been doing some research about different career areas that I am interested in, mainly reading and checking out some websites and on YouTube. I’ve also restarted practicing Taiko drumming which has been fun-I didn’t realize how much I missed it. I don’t have an actual Taiko drum, but I use a practice pad and that works fine for my beginner purposes. I’m hoping to be able to start attending live classes again soon.

On Wednesday, I got out for a walk and saw a beautiful sunrise on Richardson Bay. Later, I checked out a local plant store where they had some amazing driftwood sculptures, and, this being Mill Valley, they also sold crystals!

On Thursday, I stopped at the Mill Valley public library to pick up the book. I had on hold and noticed a display about Village Music, a unique, always crammed to the gills record store that was a part of downtown Mill Valley for decades. I remember spending time there in middle and high school flipping through racks of records, as well as staring at all of the posters and album covers on the walls and ceilings, it was a one of a kind place.

Later, I went to Emmy‘s house to find out about taking care of Winston while they are in New Zealand. He’s been a bit anxious since they got their suitcases out, knowing something was up. Apparently he has taken to napping in the suitcases, maybe in the hopes that they would take him with them! Afterwards, I met up with my friend Dorian at the Hotsy Totsy Club in Albany, a really cool place with old school decor, and an awesome taco truck next-door. It was great catching up with Dorian and so good to hear that things are going well for him. I filled him in on what I’ve been doing, I’m getting more comfortable talking about my unemployment status and not being sure of what’s next for me.
On Friday I got to take my mom to Sonoma to visit her best friend Ann. It was wonderful to see the two of them together reminiscing about old times, and just enjoying being together. They talk on the phone a few times a week, but I can tell getting to actually be together in person was good for both of them. They’ve known each other for almost 60 years, I can’t imagine!