Getting Out and About
It’s been a fun couple of weeks especially as the weather is finally cooling down a bit. Last weekend I got out for a hike around Phoenix Lake, a place I havent been to for quite a while. It was early on Saturday morning so I didn’t see many other folks until I got to…
Snapshots of the last two weeks: Going to a soundbath that started at sunset on the equinox An early morning drive to take staff to the airport for a conference Looking after Rocky Collaging Dealing with insurance appeals (ugh!) but also getting to spend time with Emmy and Mom. Walking Winston on a cool morning after…
Getting Out
I spent most of the rest of the week working, making preparations for when the new Executive Director starts, likely sometime in late October. I had a meeting with the superintendent of the Byron union school district, got some beautiful views of Mount Diablo on the way out there and back. I stopped for a…
Hike, Brace, Coda
It’s been a very positive couple of days. On Sunday I got out for a hike with Julie at Olompali State Park. We hiked to the top of Mount Burdell, ending up where we had done a Ridge Trail hike a couple of weeks before. The sign at the bottom of the trail said it…
A New Week
Not much new to report. Had a busy week at work – very excited to find out that our wellness program is going to receive an award at a conference they are attending in October. It is wonderful to see the staff and volunteers who worked so hard on the Serenamente program (serene minds in…
On An Upswing
It’s been a much better couple of days. Mom is making steady progress and seems much happier. I’ve been able to concentrate more on my work, got a lot done with revising the current year’s budget and helping the Governance Committee plan for their upcoming interviews for the new permanent Executive Director. I headed out to…
More Ups and Downs
It has been an upside down, stressful couple of weeks. When I last posted, my mom had been dealing with pain from her cast. That was just the tip of the iceberg, she ended up getting Covid for the first time, and it hit her pretty hard. She was exhausted, didn’t want to go anywhere,…
Ups and Downs
I think this is the longest I’ve gone without posting. After an uneventful weekend getting mom to and from church and to a get together with her best friends family, I took Mom to the orthopedist to get a cast on her arm. That has led to some very challenging times for her. I appears…
An Unexpectedly Eventful Week
A better week at work, getting to meet some funders and had more one on one time with staff. I also got to watch the kids enjoying their summer camp activities, one day making homemade Play-Doh. I’m getting the hang of the financial system with the very helpful CPA staff. I attended a meeting with…
Hike Therapy
After two very busy and emotional days, it was really good to get out for a hike with a friend on Sunday morning. We met at Olompali State Park in Novato for a couple hours hike on the shaded trails. It was just what I needed, a chance to catch up with a friend and…