A Day Off
Woke up in the middle of the night to a thunderstorm, the room lighting up from lightning flashs and rain cascading down. It was delightful! I ended the day in a similar way, as I went to bed it was storming again. In between it alternated between sunny and cloudy, with particularly dramatic skies in…
Thunderstorms and Poutine
Today was the first of my two days off in a row. I had a few ideas of what I wanted to do if no one was going to be leaving the farm and could give me a ride-walk to Martinville and have a look around. There isn’t much in town except houses and a…
Bookending the Day
Beautiful dawn this morning, so glad I was up to enjoy it. Today was another day of putting up hay in the barn. Luckily, we didn’t have to do as much, they were only two truckloads this time because they are having much larger bales made, which will entail a tractor driving them into the…
Fête du Travail
Not much new stuff to report over the last couple of days. I got up early on Monday, which was Labor Day in Canada as well, in Quebec it’s called Fête du Travail, festival/ celebration of work. I saw a gorgeous sunrise, it is just so beautiful the way the mornings quietly unfold here. Well,…
Goat Style
The goats have a routine when it comes to milking. There are 45 goats to milk, and we can do up to 12 at a time. The first group are the goats that are the most anxious to get to the grain they eat while they’re being milked, so they fight jostle with each other…
Nature Celebration
This morning I spent time filling out labels for cheese, over 900 of them! We had an interesting afternoon. A local back to nature organization had an event at the farm. There was a 6 piece piece band performing throughout the day, demonstrations of goat milking and honey harvesting, sampling of said milk and honey,…
Friday on the Ferme
I got up early this morning and dressed warmly so I could go out and watch the sunrise. There were some deer enjoying breakfast in the meadow as I walked down the road. Even though they were several hundred yards away from me, when they saw me they bounded away. Later, on my way back…
Forest Bathing
Lysanne told me about a hike that she volunteered for. It was for people in wheelchairs and there were 2 to 4 volunteers per wheelchair. They had a special kind of a cart probably similar to a mountain biking stroller. I can’t remember what those are called. And they took them on regular trails up…
Game Night
After morning chores and breakfast I helped in the fromagerie again, flipping cheese. For some of the newer cheese I also wiped them with water to encourage mold to grow and create a strong rind. It was a little nerve wracking at times to make sure the stand did not tip over when I was…
Around the Farm
Last night Mignon Deux slept on my bed, and at one point curled up next to my head, purring very loudly. It reminded me of my kitty, Ru, who was soft and fluffy just like Mignon Deux. After my usual morning animal and milking chores, I got to help take the goats out to the…