I promise I won’t keep putting a whole bunch of sunrise pictures in my posts, today because they were deer out in the field when I woke up. I also took a selfie with the sunrise reflected in the window behind me.

Brittany and Noé went for a horseback ride last night and found a very interesting mushroom, which they think may be a chanterelle but they’re not sure. After breakfast I ran into Nina who was lugging a heavy plastic tote over to the water pump. When I asked her what she was doing, she said that she had picked up some discarded sheepskin from the butcher shop and was going to clean them and see if she could make sheepskin rugs or sheepskin shoe liners with it. I am just continually impressed by the ingenuity of the people on this farm. She got the idea after talking to the man who brings his sheep milk here to be made into cheese. She asked him what he did with the sheep who were no longer producing milk. He told her he took them to the butcher and didn’t know what happened to the skins, so she contacted the local butcher who told her that he just threw the sheepskins away and she was welcome to as many as she wanted for free. She hasn’t had any experience or training, but watched a few YouTube videos and is giving it a shot. She’s first cleaning out all of the dirt and lanolin then will wash them several times before letting them dry out. Wow! Later in the afternoon I helped her wash some of the sheepskins in the river, it was really effective for getting out the little bits of dirt and hay stuck in the wool.

Today I helped cut up and package rounds of feta. Later I ran into a group of four students from France who are studying in Montreal for the semester. They had rented a car to come out to see the area so I showed them around the farm, the goats and pigs were very excited to see them, thinking they were bringing them food. And they agreed with me that the French spoken in Québec is very different from the French spoken in France!

Eric has put one coat of orange paint on his van, Noé and Brittany are busy installing the floor in the bedroom loft of the tiny home. Max and his mom are cleaning the windows in his cabin, it is a very busy place around here!

We cooked dinner over the fire tonight-ham bones, mackerel, zucchini with pesto and cheese and tomatoes. Yummy.