Ross Gay Reading
I got to go to a book reading by Ross Gay at the Mill Valley library on Friday night. I have read both of his Book of Delights, which I think are absolutely fantastic. He recognizes the delight in every day, often obscure things, and even things that at first glance don’t seem to be…
A Successful Event
It was a busy week getting ready for the biggest event of the year at MCBA, the 2024 Officers and Directors Installation dinner and Legal Education Scholarship fundraiser. It was a sit down dinner for 140 people with multiple presentations from VIPs such as our local Assemblymember, the outgoing and incoming Presidents, the scholarship committee…
Sunny Sunday
Sunday was full of sunshine, dramatic clouds, hanging my clothes out to dry for the first time in months, playing fetch with Javi, collaging and listening to my mom and sister weep and then celebrate over the 49ers game.
Ladybugs and Lights
I had a Saturday of adventure. I went over to Emmy‘s in the morning, and after taking Winston for a walk, we went for a hike in the Mount Diablo foothills, an area that neither of us had been to for quite a while. Because of the rain the hillsides were green and lush but…
Weekday Delights
Here’s one picture a day from this week that brought me delight. The grey dawn just after the rain on Monday Pussy willows starting to bloom as seen on my lunchtime walk on Tuesday Tulips bursting to life on the kitchen table on Wednesday A full rushing creek on my mid day walk on Thursday…
Rainy Weekend – Yay!
This weekend was just what I wanted and needed, there was almost nothing that I had to do so I had plenty of time to spend doing what I wanted to do. On Saturday morning, got to catch up with a friend that I haven’t seen in over a year. She also picked my brain…
Another Board Retreat Completed
The week ended well. I had a quiet evening on Thursday, preparing for the board retreat on Friday. After dinner, I put had a fire in the living room and reviewed my notes for the presentations I was doing for the retreat, then did some yoga and read my book. I’ve been doing about 10…
Down With Perfection
I see myself expecting perfection in myself as I do the handoff of the ED role. Feeling like I should be able to answer any question and know everything, even though I haven’t been involved with the organization very long and there isn’t a lot of historical information written down. I’m expecting myself to be…
Goodbye Sea Ranch
We enjoyed one last wonderful morning at Sea Ranch. Javi and I got out for a walk to watch the sunrise and saw a few seals hanging out on the beach. It was hard to say goodbye to everybody, I always leave sisters weekend wishing we had a few more days. I really think we…
Super Sunday
The weather was much better today so we spent a lot of time walking on the bluffs above the ocean. We saw sea lions enjoying the sunshine, a sea urchin shell and gorgeous afternoon light filtering through the trees. I read a lot, finishing We Were the Lucky Ones (what an incredible true story!) and starting the phone…