Holiday Countdown
Highlights from the week: Family gifts and new bike donations for Christmas at work. Christmas lights in Emmy’s neighborhood. Holiday celebration with piñatas and musical chairs (I got to play too in the adult version!) Going for a walk after the rain and seeing raindrops on roses Checking out an exhibit on abstract art from…
Enjoying a New Place and a New Dog
I spent a few days house and dog sitting for a friend of my mom’s in San Rafael. Her dog Rosco is adorable! We got out for walks around the neighborhood and he liked to snuggle in my lap. I got to stay in the sweet little Casita that is attached to the garage. It…
Post Thanksgiving
I spent a little time in Windsor doing some cat and housesitting. Saw some great sites on my walks, including beautiful sunrises, Christmas decorations, and some very cool free little libraries – one had a Free little seed library attached! Over the weekend, I got the Christmas tree up and decorated, and the lights up…
I’ve been experimenting with haiku poetry as one of my daily creative works. Here’s a sample: Cosy in my chair Rain quietly coming down Best time of the day ————————————— Is it the coffee Or the thought of the coffee That brings me such joy? ————————————— How can one small change Create waves that roll…
Thanksgiving Season
I love the Thanksgiving season. It’s less hectic than Christmas, it’s just about spending time with family which also includes time out in nature. The weather is crisp and cold, we’ve often had rain so things are starting to green up, the leaves on the trees are gorgeous. I can bundle up in warm clothes,…
I haven’t had space emotionally or time wise to figure out what’s next. I often am so tired and just want to do things that make me feel better – though some of them just make me more tired and unsure of myself! I don’t want it to be that I have to completely step…
What’s Next?
I’m trying to figure out what’s going to be next for me once this interim position finishes up at the end of the year. I’ve been so overwhelmed and exhausted from the work and dealing with stuff around mom‘s health that I just haven’t had the mental capacity to do much looking into the future.…
On An Upswing
Things I read today that stood out to me: Contemplate, not react. Ponder, not plan. Pay fuller attention to the miracle of life itself. Now is your life. Live it. Love it. That’s all you can do. You won’t get anything else. You won’t get another moment. Go down the gratitude rabbit hole and see…
Horrors of All Kinds
Another roller coaster of a week with continued challenges at work and very happy times with family. Annemarie made bagels, yummy! She and Emmy and I gave out candy and potatoes to trick-or-treaters at Emmy’s house (you would be surprised how many people took potatoes!). There were tons of people out, most of the parents…
My Week in Pictures
Beautiful morning skies Taking Winston for a walk and meeting a fellow bulldog, they both just stared at each other silently Hiking on the Bluffs at Bodega Bay with a friend on a beautiful day, the smell of the sea, the sound of waves crashing, the feel of warm sunlight, great conversation. Just what I…