Second Christmas
We had a lovely late Christmas celebration at Emmy‘s house with Kourtney, Kieran, Mom and I. Emmy made a yummy brunch, we opened presents and got caught up with each other. It was really nice having a smaller group to celebrate the holidays with. My presents were all technology-related, I got a much needed new…
Drizzly Day Adventures
Saturday was a day for errands, finding good deals (warm gloves for less than 50c!), exploring a bookstore and mini art show, working on my book in a comfy leather chair in the library with a beautiful view of the redwoods and the rain, including a woman playing barefoot with her dog in the creek.…
A Much Better Day
Went on an unplanned hike at Tennessee Valley with Heather and we had a blast! Saw a huge variety of mushrooms, had fun jumping in puddles and, as always, great conversations. Perfect hiking weather and we got out before the hordes. On the way back as we descended the Fox trail we started to see…
Feeling Unproductive
A day of errands and post Christmas stuff-took mom to church and picked her up, stopping at Goodmans hardware to get ant spray as they have decided to take up residence in the kitchen. Did some JNE work, read, meditated. Took my car in for a tune up and there was no additional work to…
A Very Wiggy Christmas
Christmas morning was quiet, but the afternoon was busy when most of the family came over to celebrate. Sadly, none of my kids could be there, but I’ll get to have a Christmas party with Emmy, Kieran and Kourtney on Sunday. We wore wigs most of the day including when we went for a walk…
Christmas Eve
Went for a walk in the pouring rain first thing in the morning well, actually second thing, first thing I sat up in the living room with a fire and the Christmas tree lights on and journal and meditated, and tried to figure out the Wordle. It was very challenging today! Later I treated myself…
Last Full Day of Work for the Year!
Today was my last full work day of the year. I was busy wrapping things up and updating information. Spent time later prepping for my next JNE investigation. Ended the day going through stocking stuffers and watching Muppets Christmas Carol. Now I’ve watched all the holiday movies on my mandatory list, anything else I watch…
Sunday Enjoyment
Had a wonderful Sunday. It started with a hike on the Steep Ravine Trail -so lush after the rains and since it was early on a cold Sunday morning I had the trail to myself almost the whole time. Such a treat! I saw a salamander and mushrooms. I got back and spent a few…
Winter Solstice
I recently heard about the Celtic Omen Days ritual that sounds interesting. For each of the 12 days from Winter Solstice to New Year’s Day you reflect on a month from the year. Day 1 is January, day 2 is February, etc. Then you go on a walk each day and look for a sign…
Nature and Art
I’ve been enjoying walking outside in the cold and foggy weather seeing Christmas lights and decorations that sometimes span the sidewalk. I passed one house where they had a collection of snacks and water for the delivery drivers bringing packages- such a great idea. I’m often driving home from work when the sun is setting…