Inner and Outer Explorations

Had another snowy day on Friday and then a windy one on Saturday resulting in drifts of snow everywhere. 

We did manage to get the car down the driveway to get to the Buffalo Bill Center for the Arts where we had a tour of the art gallery with the preschool kids who were able to make it with their moms. Unfortunately, the snowfall meant that some people weren’t able to come, but having a smaller group with only 5 kids, made it much easier to check out the art. We were spoiled because we got there a half an hour before the museum opened so we had that area all to ourselves along with a wonderful tour guide. The kids learned about what happens when people touch art – how destructive it can be over time, the guide was also very open with the parents about how at this age it’s really difficult for kids not to touch the art and it’s not the end of the world if they do. We saw a life-size statue of a horse that appeared to be made out of wood, but was actually iron! We mainly focused on the animal-related art as  that is what attracted the kids. There was a vibrant painting of horses galloping that was three-dimensional because of the amount of paint that the artist used. Apparently, in some of his other art, he incorporates in ropes and other materials to make it really stand out.

We stopped to have a snack and looked out over the bird enclosure area which is closed during this time of the year, though that did not mean it was not active and full of birds going to the birdfeeders, including a very busy woodpecker that kept hiding behind one of the poles! We then checked out a photo exhibit by a local photographer who is also part of a wild land firefighting team. He had some incredible photos of the conditions that they work in. I can’t imagine even being close enough to see these things much less work in the middle of them. It makes me very grateful we have people who are ready, willing and able to do this work to keep us safe.

After we got back, I went for a walk through the labyrinth, having to dredge through the fresh snow again, though it was much easier this time since there wasn’t as much snow. The sky was gorgeous, really showing off all of the snowy mountains around.

On Saturday, I got out for a couple of walks around the retreat center, one in an area that’s part of a loop that I usually do. I was hoping to get at least to the base of the other side of the hill but at one point the snow was so deep even with snow shoes I was sinking a foot into the snow. I got a really good leg workout, even if I didn’t get very far! At one point, I stopped next to a barbed wire fence and saw where some of the horses had rubbed up against it and left some of their hair. I do miss seeing the horses, when I was here the last time they were out in the nearby fields and they would often come over to say hello. I’m sure they’re in a much warmer place now.

In the afternoon I was sitting at the picture window looking out at the trees and saw a bird tail hanging down from one of the branches. I couldn’t really tell what kind of bird it was so I went out to the front and realized an owl was perched there! He didn’t realize I was there at first, but once he did, his eyes got huge and he followed me around as I moved around the tree. How adorable!

At one point, the wind got up and snow was blowing everywhere! It was really cool to observe the swirling snow – I could see it even on the far away hills. I’m really glad I was not out in it. The driveway has now been plowed so I could technically get out and drive, but because I am not used to driving in snow I’m going to wait a few days to let more of it melt and let other drivers get the roads clearer. There isn’t any snow predicted for at least the next 10 days so hopefully by mid next week, I’ll be good to get out. For now I have plenty to keep me busy – my gap your guide to work on, books to read and audiobooks to listen to, art projects to do, walks to take around the retreat center, or just sitting and enjoying the peace and beauty of this place.

I did a little ceremony walking around the labyrinth, then placing some objects in the middle symbolizing the things I want to let go of: 

  • my feelings of insecurity about myself my body and my abilities
  • always needing to be busy and productive
  • feeling that I should always know what to do, have the answers 
  • fear of letting dark feelings in, that they will overtake me

The song Firework by Katy Perry was in my head for the first half of my walk – that seemed very appropriate!

During one of my meditations, I heard this wonderful quote:

There is freedom waiting for you, on the breezes of the sky. And you ask, ‘what if I fall?’ Oh but my darling, what if you fly? 

Erin Hansen