Exploring Sherbrooke
When I woke up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, I thought a light been left on because the hallway was illuminated. Turns out it was an almost full moon shining brightly through the bathroom window. Later, when I looked out my bedroom window which faces a different direction, all I…
Sitting at the bay window in the back of the house, it’s cloudy this morning, and I saw what I thought at first were birds swooping down around the eaves of the house, but then realized they were bats finishing up their nocturnal travels. Always something new to discover here! The last couple of mornings,…
Food, Glorious Food
Another morning of farm chores, including milking the goats, this time with Rafael who lives with his partner, Valerie in the little cabin above the river. They just came back from a two week canoe trip on a river up north with their dog, Nori. They parked their truck at one end of the river,…
Les Broussailles
The farm I am staying at is called ‘Les Broussailles’ which means brushwood in French. It is just outside of Martinville, about 2.5 hours east and slightly north of Montréal, about 1/2 hour from the US border with Vermont and New Hampshire. It rained most of the night last night. I had my window open…
Going to the Marché
Last night and now again this morning one of the cats, Mignon un, came to hang out on my bed. It’s nice hearing that familiar purring which I haven’t had for a while. This morning I got up and did my regular morning routine, meditating and journaling, then headed out to do chores. I fed…
Hay There!
I’m getting to know everybody a little bit better as we chat while doing chores or meals. Jean-Francois owns the farm and runs it with his children. Among other talents he plays the accordion. I heard him playing when I was preparing salad for dinner last night and again today when I was doing some…
First Day on La Ferme
What a full and fun day. I am learning what it is like to be in an immersive language environment, actually, I would say it is semi-immersive. Everyone here speaks English to some extent (and a lot better than I speak French!), so when I am being taught how to do things around the farm…
Canada Bound
Today was a very full day! I got up at 2:30am in order to make it to the airport by 3:50. I needn’t have worried about it as check-in was very fast, I was done in five minutes and then had to wait until 4:30 when TSA opened up. That was fine with me as…
Dealing With the Unknown
I am realizing how much I like to know what is going to happen. I’m excited but feeling a bit stressed about going to Canada since I don’t know what it’s going to be like when I get there. I don’t know any of the people or a lot about what I’m going to do…
LA Time – Checking Out the Grammy’s
I spent the last few days in LA for a JNE meeting. Before I left I got in a long walk and went past a Rite-Aid that was originally a Thrifty drug store and still had a Thrifty ice cream sign out front. That brought back such memories of getting 10c square scooped ice cream.…