Awesome Art
On Saturday, I went to the deYoung Open exhibit with my sister Chrissy. It was a fantastic and at times overwhelming exhibit, the entire floor was filled with 883 pieces of art, often stacked three high on the walls. Made by Bay Area residents, some of whom are professional artists, but most are just regular…
Twelfth Day of Christmas
Nothing much to report today- mainly worked and got out for a long walk at lunch to do some grocery shopping. I made a yummy dinner of garlic chicken, roasted potatoes and Caesar salad. This morning I came across a fantastic poem by Mary Oliver – Prayer. December gratitude
Eleventh Day of Christmas
It was my last day at Michelle and Tim‘s – I was rewarded with an absolutely stunning sunrise. I was up a little earlier than I had been so was out on my morning walk when the sunrise happened, giving me a different and spectacular view of the morning coming to life. I got extra…
Tenth Day of Christmas
Another day of working in a beautiful place. Not much new to report, the highlights of my day were looking out the kitchen window and seeing a flock of very fat quail looking for food, and when I was out on my afternoon walk, looking up and seeing a half a dozen or more deer…
Ninth Day of Christmas
Back at work today, albeit in a much more beautiful setting than usual. Another stunning sunrise where the sky turned several different colors over the course of an hour. Got out for a walk at lunch around the property and up past the closest neighbors house, who has a flying pig on her gate! I…
Eighth Day of Christmas
I didn’t post anything on New Year’s Day because I took a day off from technology and reading. I don’t know what was more difficult for me, not listening to podcasts or not having a book to read before bedtime! I spent the day doing a lot of contemplation about 2023 and what I want…
Seventh Day of Christmas
An early morning enjoying the view of the river while journaling, thinking about the last day of the year and what I’m looking forward to in 2024. After we packed up, wishing we could stay longer, we headed up the Sonoma coast for a hike on the Jenner Headlands Preserve. A friendly volunteer gave us…
Sixth Day of Christmas
What a difference in the weather today! Woke up to a foggy morning that eventually cleared to a sunny warm day (at least when we were out of the trees). After a lazy morning reading and drinking coffee on the deck we went to Goat Rock beach to go for a walk. It was gorgeous…
Fifth Day of Christmas
I worked in the morning then headed to Duncans Mills where Chrissy and I are staying for a few days. We are at a place right on the Russian River with lots of windows, a large deck overlooking the river and a wood fireplace. It rained most of the day but we were cosy and…
Fourth Day of Christmas
Didn’t have to work today so I did chores and packed for my time away. Mom and I took the ornaments and lights off the Christmas trees and I hauled them out to the curb. I also spent some time creating mini-collages from the paintings I had made over the last couple of weeks. It…