This weekend was just what I wanted and needed, there was almost nothing that I had to do so I had plenty of time to spend doing what I wanted to do. On Saturday morning, got to catch up with a friend that I haven’t seen in over a year. She also picked my brain about working in a nonprofit and ways to try to affect change, especially with leaders who have been there for a long time. I talked about the challenges I’ve experienced and encouraged her to find ways to use her knowledge and ideas at a higher level in the wider organization. Later that morning I took down the outside Christmas lights and dropped off my rental car, it’s so nice to be back driving my own car. I spent the rest of the day doing collage work in front of the fire. I was the self-appointed chef that evening, since my mom and sister were glued to the 49ers game. There was a lot of rejoicing at the end when the Niners won with less than a minute left of the game.
First thing Sunday morning, I headed to downtown Mill Valley and walked to Cascade Falls, which I knew would be glorious after all of the rain we’ve had. I wasn’t disappointed, it was roaring! I was out early enough that there was almost nobody else around, and I had the falls to myself the whole time I was there

It rained all day, I spent a few hours in the morning collaging and reading then Mom, her friend Ann and I went to see the movie The Boys In the Boat. I had read the book a year ago and absolutely loved it, so was hopeful the movie would do it justice. While it didn’t go much into any of the characters backgrounds like in the book, the movie was well done and I was impressed at how George Clooney was able to make crew races so compelling. I knew how everything was going to turn out, yet I still felt myself leaning forward in my seat and urging the team on. It was probably the fullest movie theater I’ve been to in a long time, at least 3/4 full. Perfect way to spend a rainy Sunday.