Settling In
I’ve been settling back in the last couple of days. I walked to Sausalito then went kayaking with my sister one day. Been working on my gap year guide and walking in the neighborhood – one day I checked out the local free little libraries and saw several had notes in them asking people to…
Goodbye and Hello
My last day at TAC was a quiet one. I walked the labyrinth once in the morning and again in the afternoon, the snow was rapidly melting, and every time I got out there, I could see more and more of the stones. I managed to walk most of the way up TAC Hill, the…
Final Week at TAC
I realize it’s been over a week since I last posted. Time for a catch up! Rebekah and I got together quite a few times to talk about their upcoming board retreat and other matters. She had me make a couple of videos to use at that retreat as a way to get board members…
Getting to Know Cody
Now that the driveway had been plowed again, I was able to get out and went for a longer walk on the Paul Stock Trail, seeing lots of birds, including a bald eagle! The weather had warmed up considerably – I think it got as high as the low 30s, which made for very comfortable…
Getting Out
It’s always a push-pull to go out in the morning when it’s so cold. I love, love, love being out on the labyrinth as dawn slowly turns to sunrise – the mountains go pink and the sky lightens – but it’s very cold outside, as low as -12 on these mornings! To move from sitting…
How the Days Go
What have I been doing the last couple of days? I took a gorgeous picture out my window of the moon and the clouds at 4:30 this morning. Later I had a beautiful labyrinth walk watching the moon set. I created dried flower bouquets with found items, made bookmarks, walked the labyrinth, made a snow…
Inner and Outer Explorations
Had another snowy day on Friday and then a windy one on Saturday resulting in drifts of snow everywhere. We did manage to get the car down the driveway to get to the Buffalo Bill Center for the Arts where we had a tour of the art gallery with the preschool kids who were able…
Good Days
Wednesday was a relatively quiet day. I had the interim executive director interview, which went pretty well. We will see if I get called back for a second interview with the board. It was a sunny but cold day, I got out for a couple of walks on the grounds, including doing the labyrinth twice,…
Snow Days
I have been in heaven the last two days because it has been snowing! It started out with a few flakes coming down on Sunday morning as I headed out to walk the labyrinth. By the time I was done, there was a very light layer of snow on the rocks and on my scarf.…
It’s Only Been a Week
I am falling in love with all the beautiful shades of grey, tan and brown in the natural materials around me. I’ve been picking up broken twigs and stems, and other things I find on the ground and creating little collections in my living area and I just absolutely love how they look. As someone…