Friday was a fun, fantastic day, it reminded me of summertime when I was in middle school age. My sister Christina brought Javi over and we took him and Otis to the beach along with our nephew, Theo. Baker Beach was almost deserted – the dogs had so much fun chasing after Theo.

After getting all three of them good and tired, we took the dogs to their respective houses and hit the road with Theo to California’s Great America! My daughter Emmy met us there, and we spent a fun day riding roller coasters, playing arcade games, and reliving a place that was a fun part of our youth. When my dad worked for IBM they had a yearly Family Day at Great America, I have such fond memories of that time. We often came home with huge stuffed animal won from playing the games, I went on my first roller coaster there, The Demon. Christina and I both laughed as we remember when The Grizzly was a brand new roller coaster and now it’s one of the very old-school ones. We discovered that Theo was not big on heights, so we did the tamer roller coasters with him, which usually tend to be a little scarier for us bigger adults. Beware the Psycho Mouse ride! But Emmy, Christina and I all managed to get a turn on some faster roller coasters and we all loved the 4D movie ride and the Rip Roaring Rapids water ride. After seven hours of fun, we were all exhausted and headed home. Luckily, it was late enough to miss Friday traffic and we had a smooth drive.

I got back and took Otis on a much anticipated walk then crashed out on the couch tired, but pleased from a fun day.

2 responses to “Great America!”
Did you and your sister plan your outfits? 🙂
Looks like a fun day!
lol, we didn’t but it sure looked like it!