Unexpected but welcome rain shower as I was walking this morning. Inspired me to keep going, checking out a new area of the neighborhood that I don’t think I’ve ever been in. It also meant I had more time in my day as I was planning to do laundry and hang out my clothes, but that will need to wait for a sunnier day. Love having a long meandering walk without any time pressure to get back. I could start every morning like this!

I’m trying to take things one step at a time, to not rush and try to do a whole lot all at once, but as I sit enjoying coffee and breakfast listening to the rain on the patio roof, I find myself looking at the clock wondering what time it is, worrying I’m not making good use of this time, not wanting it to slip away. It’s the first flipping day, I already went for a 4 mile walk, I think I’m doing OK for 10 AM on a Monday! Stop trying to do too much, spend some time thinking about what you just spent time doing and if it’s something you want to do more or less of. Don’t try to multitask. Just be.
I’ve spent way too much of the day trying to figure out how to get my blog site up and running! But I keep telling myself that once I have the bones of the site up the daily posting will be much easier, and I am learning a lot. I’m grateful to have this time to be able to work it out and not feel rushed. It feels very cool to be learning new skill, though I definitely feel my frustration rise when I can’t seem to figure out something that’s seems like it should be pretty basic. Deep breaths….

One response to “Day 3 – First Monday”
You’re off to a great start! Give yourself some grace as you transition to from working full-time to not working.