After my morning wander, we hung out at the Airbnb, reading and relaxing. Such a nice way to spend a grey morning.

More sledding today, it was a bit colder so we got snowed on a bit, much more pleasant than being rained on.

When we got back the boys played old school video games and then we had an intense game of Uno.

The rain cleared up briefly so Cam and I got out and explored Hedge Creek Falls. A tree lined trail led to the base of a gorgeous beautiful waterfall that I was able to walk under – I love places like that!

We also checked out the Dunsmuir Railroad Park Resort. They have about 2 dozen old rail cars that have been converted to cabins, a restaurant and campground right next to the river. Looks like a fun place to stay. When we were there we saw an adorable 9 week old puppy named Porky.

The boys wanted to help make dinner, so Cam heated up the chili to go with their hotdogs and Theo said he would make the hotdogs. I came into the kitchen after a little bit and Theo told me that the hotdogs weren’t cooking. He showed me a plastic bowl that had hot water and hot dogs in it. I told him we needed to boil the water in order to cook the hot dogs and he told me ‘I did boil the water!’ 😂 I showed him how to keep the water boiling in a pot and eventually we had dinner and watched The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe in front of of the fire. Another great day!