Down With Perfection

I see myself expecting perfection in myself as I do the handoff of the ED role. Feeling like I should be able to answer any question and know everything, even though I haven’t been involved with the organization very long and there isn’t a lot of historical information written down. I’m expecting myself to be completely organized and on top of events that I’ve had very little time to plan and to be able to positively enthusiastically train up the new person as I juggle all these balls. I know this is completely unrealistic. I’ve done a similar type of training before but that was for a position that I had been in for years. This is a completely different situation. I also can’t control how well someone else absorbs and understand the information that I’m imparting beyond doing my best to make it understandable and observable. I have to remind myself no one is expecting perfection even if I had been doing the job for years. I am the one who is putting the pressure on myself to be perfect.

I have a book of daily readings on traveling called ‘The Vagabonds Way’ by Rolf Potts. What he ended the January 16 entry with called to me. “In a sense, it is not until we leave the constraints of our habit-driven lives that we can discover the raw energy and wildness that lies beyond our domesticated way of interacting with the world. In departing what is familiar and predictable – in leaving ourselves open to new challenges and surprises – we find ourselves embracing fuller, freer lives.” YES! I agree 100%.