This weekend is sister’s weekend, an annual tradition I’ve had with my sisters for at least the last 15 years. We go away together usually over MLK Jr weekend. Most of the time we pick a beach destination, originally on the central coast when Michelle lived in Southern California. Now that we are all living in various places northern California we’ve often stayed on the Sonoma coast, and since my dad died, mom joins us as well. This year we are at Sea Ranch, the second (and likely last) time we have been here. We have found the rules to be way too restrictive (only two cars can park at the house even though there is room to easily fit more than half a dozen in the gravel area at the end of the driveway, the rest have to be left at a shopping mall 3.5 miles away) and the amenities lacking (1 roll of paper towels and 4 rolls of toilet paper for 7 people for 4 days!) so will find a different spot for next year.
Mom and I drove up on Friday afternoon, we lucked out that the predicted rain did not arrive until the evening so we had a lovely drive up the coast. We arrived before 4 o’clock when our door code would become active. Mom stayed in the car while I stood next to the door to be able to access the WiFi, luckily the WiFi name and password had been emailed to us in advance. I needed to be able to check my email and make some phone calls, the first of which was to the auto shop that was looking at my car. On Wednesday night a bunch of different lights on the dashboard had started flashing so I was getting it checked out. When I called I found out they had discovered I had a rodent problem, apparently something had built a nest in my engine! I also found out that because I have comprehensive coverage on my car insurance the repairs should be covered by insurance! I have been already steeling myself for a big bill thinking I might have to have transmission work done, so it was much better than I expected. I called my insurance company and they didn’t hesitate to schedule somebody to go out and look at the car and got me set up with a rental car. It was amazingly easy. I’ll find out next week what are the extent of the damages, but it sounds like I was very lucky that nothing happened while I was driving since some of the warning systems were likely affected by the rodents chewing. Yuck!!

At 4 o’clock we were able to get into the house, so we got settled and over the next couple of hours everybody else arrived. Lisa and I got out for a walk by the coast. We all enjoyed a delicious dinner of salsa chicken that Lori brought. I relaxed for a bit in the hot tub and then it was time for bed.