Eighth Day of Christmas

I didn’t post anything on New Year’s Day because I took a day off from technology and reading. I don’t know what was more difficult for me, not listening to podcasts or not having a book to read before bedtime! 

I spent the day doing a lot of contemplation about 2023 and what I want to get out of 2024. One of my sisters sent me a link to an article about conducting an annual life review. I didn’t end up answering all the questions, but I found them to be lot more helpful in deciding what I want going forward than just setting goals. https://schlaf.medium.com/how-to-conduct-an-annual-life-review-that-will-catapult-you-into-the-new-year-d5aaffebac1f

Besides my life review work, I also enjoyed hanging out with Amicus and Strider, got out for a walk/hike around Michelle and Tim‘s neighborhood, and saw a beautiful sunrise and sunset. A fantastic way to spend the first day of the year. 

August gratitude 

  • Spending a week in San Francisco pet sitting and exploring – got to see taiko drumming!
  • Getting to go on roller coasters at Great America with Chrissy, Emmy and Theo
  • Heading off on an adventure to Quebec, Canada to live and work on an organic goat farm
  • Learning to milk goats (45!!), make cheese, stack hay bales and try to understand Québécois French!