What a difference in the weather today! Woke up to a foggy morning that eventually cleared to a sunny warm day (at least when we were out of the trees). After a lazy morning reading and drinking coffee on the deck we went to Goat Rock beach to go for a walk. It was gorgeous with the morning mist in the folds of the cliffs. We picked up more logs for the wood stove and lunch then headed back to the house. The deck was drenched in sunshine, the perfect spot for more reading and throwing the ball for Javi. Spent the evening enjoying a warm fire and individually reviewing 2023 and considering what adventures 2024 might bring. Not a bad way to spend the last Saturday of the year.
June gratitudes
- An amazing time in Wyoming – feeling like I was useful and had time for contemplation
- Doing my first JNE interviews – learning a lot
- Working through the exercises in the Life Worth Living book – excellent way to keep me honest about how I’m actually spending my time, money and energy.
- Awesome camping on my way home from Wyoming, enjoying a buffalo herd moving past my car, getting to see Russ and Beth on their ranch
- Sound bath with Emmy at a lavender farm
- Starting to write my gap year guide and meeting courageous women who’ve gone down a different path
- Building a playhouse with Habitat for Humanity during Pride month
- Hiking to the Mountain Play, Into the Woods, with Chrissy and Abby