The First Day of Christmas

We had a wonderful, wonderful Christmas day. Ended up with 20 people at the house to celebrate the day together, such a treat. After opening all the goodies in our stockings we had our traditional Christmas lunch/dinner of pizza and salad then moved onto opening Christmas presents with Emmy and Alea taking on their usual roles as present distributors. Dessert followed, Emmy made a delicious orange, rosemary, raspberry cake. Before everyone scattered to the winds, either heading home, outdoors to toss the football or in front of the tv to watch the 49ers game, we got a few group photos including the obligatory Charlie’s Angels shot. I was exhausted at the end of the day and was in bed by 7:30, content after a day of hanging out with the family

I’m doing a version of the 12 days of Christmas where I’m going to post each day about things that I’m grateful for from the year, doing one month a day. Today is about what I’m grateful for from January 2023:

  • Going on vacation with Annemarie, enjoying Christchurch, staying at a cool farm stay in Kaikoura where we got to feed the animals
  • Both Annemarie and Mary taking good care of me when I got Covid, delivering delicious food and providing books and puzzles 
  • Getting back home after 2 months away and spending time with family
  • Going on hikes with the trail goddesses 
  • Seeing Time for Three play amazing music with the Marin symphony. 
  • Hiking Cataract Falls when it was running strong- gorgeous!