Fête du Travail

Not much new stuff to report over the last couple of days. I got up early on Monday, which was Labor Day in Canada as well, in Quebec it’s called Fête du Travail, festival/ celebration of work. I saw a gorgeous sunrise, it is just so beautiful the way the mornings quietly unfold here. Well, except for this morning when for some reason the rooster was in a very vocal mood, and crowed on and on. Eric, who lives in one of the tiny houses on the property, was not very happy, and kept yelling at the rooster to shut up. Lol. 

I have still been having pain in my hands so for the next few days, I’m only going to be milking once a day in the hopes that helps reduce the swelling. I’m also going to have a couple of days off at the end of the week. We’ve been very busy packaging and labeling cheese for a huge order that goes out later this week. Tomorrow we will be putting away the next lot of hay. It was harvested yesterday and today and tomorrow the baler will come back and get it all ready for us. It should be interesting since now we’re going to be walking on top of three layers of hay bales that we put up two weeks ago. It’s not quite as stable as the barn floor so it will be harder work, but probably a lot more laughter. 

Speaking of laughter, I thought it was funny when I saw on the weather app that there was an extreme heat warning for yesterday and today. It was only predicted to get to a high of 85 so that seemed a bit strange to me. Of course as a Californian I am not used to the humidity in other parts of the continent. And yes it’s 85°, but it feels a lot hotter with the humidity. Everything just feels so close. So on my off time I have been going down to the river and enjoying a swim or dunk and cooling my body off. It feels heavenly. After my river dunk I sat on the porch and watched Safran walk on the slack line. He has impressive balance!