Building With Habitat for Humanity

Today I got to help build playhouses with Habitat for Humanity. I learned how to build a simple roof and do some of the painting – it was a lot of fun! It was a varied volunteer group – mostly women of all ages, the only men were those who were part of a couple, and a few high school boys getting in their required volunteer hours before starting senior year. I got to drill holes, use an impact drill to put in screws, cut up and attach roofing shingles and assemble the structures when we were finished. It was a fun way to spend a Saturday morning. The Habitat warehouse is in the Bayview district of San Francisco, a very mixed neighborhood where brand new houses with expensive cars out front are right next to places that look uninhabitable and have wrecked cars in the driveways. I passed someone lovingly washing his Porsche then turned the corner to see a homeless man journeying down the street with his shopping cart of possessions. It’s hard seeing so many displaced people and the growing contrast in the lives people in our country lead.

Later in the day when I was out on a walk, I passed by two boys on bikes looking at some thing in the grass. As I grew closer, they asked me if I wanted to help them catch a snake. When I asked what kind they said they weren’t sure so I stepped closer and saw there was a dead garden snake in the grass. I told them I was pretty sure it was dead and one of them poked it with a stick. When it didn’t move I reassured them the snake was dead. One boy poked it with his gloved finger, afraid to do anything more. I told him that it was OK to pick it up, and I did so, holding it in the air. Once they realized it wouldn’t hurt them they were both fascinated. One said he wanted to put it in his mom‘s bed. I objected to that idea  very strongly, and then left them to their exploration of the snake. That made me miss the days of going for walks and hikes with my kids and the things they would discover. You never know what you’ll find outdoors!

I got to catch up with Kieran by phone, hearing about his plans to take out my dad’s boat and to rebuild the engine in his Ford Bronco. He’s always got a project to keep him busy. Mom and I also had a lovely video chat with Annemarie. While it’s hard having her so far away and not being able to be with her in person, video calls make it easier since I can see her. She’s doing a great job taking of herself and was so excited about sending a birthday present to her dad. I’m so proud of all 3 of my kids, they are such incredible adults. It’s hard to believe how fast the time has gone since they were little.