Things I saw today – most of which I have never seen in the Bay Area, which is why I love spending time in different places:
A hidden bench offering a solitary, peaceful view.

Sandhill cranes-also heard them calling to each other, such an unusual sound.

A family gravesite next to the water, surrounded on one side by trees with a bench for contemplation.

A truck with a large American flag in the back driven by a guy with a huge bushy beard, looked like an older version my son.

Cowboy and cowgirl boots in all sizes and colors with intricate patterns on the sides and colorful pictures on the soles.

Clothing with a tag stating that the company supported concealed carry and American’s Second Amendment rights. The word amendment was misspelled on the tag.

Cowboy hats – all kinds!

A sign for the local mini golf place that looks like it was done by an elementary school student. It advertised Popsicles for $.50! I felt like I was a kid again myself.

A vat of honey, where you could bring your own container and purchase it by the pound.

A two bedroom, one bath house on over 3 acres of land for $375,000!

A notice for a gear and tack swap meet.

A Cody grizzly bear sculpture painted to look like a bear skeleton outside of a chiropractic office. Very creative!

A sign on a car for someone who bills himself as a ‘Park County Cowboy Ambassador’, advertising his services as an actor, re-enactor, and living historian.

Dramatic afternoon clouds and views.

A deer that I thought at first was a statue.

Wild horses running past my window – thought I could only get a picture of them drinking water.