Delightful things I’ve seen on my wanders the last few days:
A whole bunch of snails! I went for a walk with a friend on the Benicia waterfront trail after it had been raining, and it must’ve been the time for the snails to go walking as well. We couldn’t get over how many there were on the trail. (Unfortunately it seems like a lot of them got squished by inattentive walkers)

An amusing tea party with a Buddha wearing a knit scarf, a squirrel in a monk robe and Muhammad Ali holding a sign.

A tree draped in Mardi Gras beads

My dog-nephew Javi, running happily in the park.

A beautiful blossoming tree.

A cow on top of someone’s garage.

A couple on a tandem bike with a chicken in their basket.

Wonderful quilts by the Gee’s Bend quilters.

A gorgeous doorway.