Alamere Falls off grid

I spent the day hiking to both the top and bottom of Alamere Falls. I made a conscious effort not to use my phone for anything except taking photos, I put it in airplane mode so that I was not tempted to look at texts or social media or listen to a podcast. I also didn’t bring anything to read. When I go for a long hike I like to relax and read for a little bit during my breaks, but I just wanted to have a day to let my mind wander. 

As always my monkey mind was all over the place and it got frustrating when I was tired and just wanted to tune myself out and read. I know I use reading as a crutch when I don’t want to deal with life, and for the most part I think that’s ok, but it is good for me to challenge myself and get out of that comfort practice sometimes. No huge surprises or revelations but I’m getting a better idea of what I need more and less of in my life.