Not a whole lot to report about what I’ve been doing the last couple of days. I finished one 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle and started another one, I have listened to a couple of audiobooks, read some other books and hung out with Alby the cat. That’s about it.

I’ve had lots of well wishes via text, and my mom called me today. It was really nice to hear her voice and I know it made her feel reassured that I was doing OK. It was reassuring for me as well since I’ve been hearing about all the storms that have been hitting California. Sounds like everyone is doing ok, no one flooded, just lots of loud thunder and hail. Kieran and Kourtney lost power for a bit and a section of fence fell down, though of course Kieran got it fixed right away. I hope everyone continues to stay safe during this stormy time.
I am definitely feeling better as today has gone on, so hopefully will be feeling back to 100% by Saturday when I am released from my isolation. Mary’s family has been making me lovely dinners brought down on a tray each evening, and today Annemarie stopped by after work to bring me homemade bagels and catch up. It was very sweet of her since it had been pouring all day and she had to take the bus here and walk up the hill in the rain, but it was so good to see her and get to talk to he, albeit from a distance. She stood in the bathroom doorway, and I stood in my room doorway!