A Hard Rains A-Gonna Fall

It rained pretty much all day today, it wasn’t particularly cold, but definitely wet. I walked into town through Central Park, it smelled wonderful from the rain. Part of the journey took me down Cuba Street, sort of the Telegraph Ave of Wellington, lots of alternative shops, cafés, funky street art, buskers – Including a sex office dressed like a Christmas tree!

Annemarie and I headed over to an event center on the waterfront that was holding a monthly craft fair and checked out all the vendors, the usual jewelry and knitted items but also beautiful animal puzzles, 3D origami pictures and reusable sanitary pads in colorful fabrics. I ended up buying a couple of little angels made out of discarded Nespresso pods – what a fantastic way to reuse something that normally gets thrown away. I also bought a gift for my son that was made from a recycled wrench. For lunch we headed over to a chicken place called… Winner Winner. (Hee hee)

Tonight I went with Mary and Owen to dinner at a friend’s place, then to a local bar and nightclub called San Fran (seriously!) A group of their friends are in a band called Zimmermans and they were performing Bob Dylan songs that night. It was so much fun! I haven’t been to see a band at a small venue like that in years. Owen and several of their friends dressed up like Bob Dylan-the wigs were amazing. We all danced for the entire 2 1/2 hours, the energy was fantastic. I don’t know many Bob Dylan songs, but they performed most of the ones I did know – Like a Rolling Stone, Blowing In the Wind, Lay, Lady, Lay, Mr. Tambourine Man, and, of course, Everyone Must Get Stoned (the whole crowd really got into that one!) What an awesome, energizing night. I am very grateful that I don’t have to go to work in the morning!