Foggy this morning, loving the cold, crisp fall weather. Fog burned off later so I was able to hang out my laundry, always a plus. Didn’t sleep well last night so I took a luxurious late morning nap.

Decided to check out the SMART train which currently runs from Larkspur to Santa Rosa airport. I parked at Larkspur, though it took me a bit to find the parking lot as there wasn’t much signage and no one was parked in the lower lot that is on street level. The train is new and clean with comfy chairs, some with tables in between. The almost constant recorded messages are annoying, that was one thing I liked about Bart, the only time you heard anything was when the train was entering a station or if there was an unexpected delay (and most of the time the sound was unintelligible so faded into the background). From the SMART train the city and town views were typical, some industrial areas and backyards, but the rural spaces between Novato and Petaluma and Petaluma and Cotati were wonderful – lots of open space and farmland, water, animals, trees, etc. A really nice way to pass the time, and much less stressful than driving on 101 especially during commute time.