On my final morning walk in Park City I saw a deer family running by, heard and then saw a huge flock of birds, and later a beautiful sunrise.
After a gorgeous drive to Provo, I spent the afternoon mostly walking around BYU – loved strolling the border of campus on a shady path next to a burbling creek with occasional waterfalls. Benches and tables lined the walkway, I totally would hang out here to get reading done for school. I even saw a young man sitting with his feet in the creek to cool off. BYU’s art museum’s sculpture garden and the rainbow thread exhibit in the main lobby were spectacular. There was also an intriguing exhibit that had bottles of Windex of various concentrations and a blouse made out of thin strands of thread where the shadow of it seems more substantial than the shirt itself.
I ended the day at a lovely cafe that had a Little Free Poetry Library before walking past the City Center Temple on my way to Amtrak for the train ride home. I’ll tell you about the train ride tomorrow!