On my final walk with Javi on the trail I saw an old guy wearing a faded sweatshirt standing by his back door smoking, reminded me of my dad.
Today was a big driving day, but before we took off we went to the King Mountain resort and rode the Cowboy Coaster! It was an awesome almost mile long twisting roller coaster going down the side of the mountain. As my kids know, I LOVE to scream on roller coasters and this was no exception- my sister caught me on video. 😂

Luckily we had a fantastic audiobook to listen to, Local Woman Missing, which helped pass the 4 1/2 hour drive to Park City. We did see lots of sheep helping to keep the weeds down at the side of the highway. After refueling with caffeine for the next leg of their drive home, Christina and Javi took off. I got picked up by my friend Wendy’s husband, Jon, and taken to their beautiful home. I’m lucky to get to stay in the ‘apartment’, where I have my own living space complete with fireplace, kitchenette and patio. It is so cosy!

We went out to dinner at Billy Blanco’s, a restaurant that describes itself as Motor City Mexican, and that it was! Good food, margaritas and awesome decor. we ended the night playing Rummikub and the Monty Python edition of Fluxx, which I had never heard of and absolutely loved, it was a lot more challenging than the original Fluxx game.