Settling In

I’ve been settling back in the last couple of days. I walked to Sausalito then went kayaking with my sister one day. Been working on my gap year guide and walking in the neighborhood – one day I checked out the local free little libraries and saw several had notes in them asking people to give red USCIS cards to the people who work for them. Good to see this kind of resistance to the unjustified acts by our government.

I’ve also been able to give blood, spend time with a friend I’m doing with for and explore Workaway opportunities in Sweden.

I got to spend time in person with Emmy (and Winston), have a video chat with Annemarie and talk to Kieran. I’m always so grateful to connect with my kids. I also got to see an unexpectedly fabulous exhibit at the Bedford Gallery – Stitched. The quality and variety of embroidery projects was inspiring!

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