Today we took a boat ride across Jenny Lake then hiked up to Hidden Falls and Inspiration Point -a 900 feet elevation gain over 1 mile so that got the blood pumping! The views were gorgeous, and the weather was perfect -sunny, clear and cool in the morning.

We continued on to Cascade Canyon which was a much easier hike paralleling Cascade Creek and slowly got us higher and higher into the Tetons. As we were going through one of the forested areas we saw two bull moose happily chomping away on the foliage. Their antlers were enormous! They took no notice of all the people gathered talking quietly and taking lots of photos and videos. It was a busy trail with both hikers and equestrians. On the hike back we tried remembering all of the State capitals and failed miserably-we only got 1/3rd correct. Time to bone up on our geography!

Later I walked to the store to get supplies for my Yellowstone camping trip as well as some Ritz crackers and cheddar cheese in honor of my dad. He passed away five years ago today, and I always make sure to have some Ritz and cheddar cheese on this day and to spend as much time outdoors as I can, as those were his favorite foods and he loved to be outdoors. I can’t believe it’s already been five years, I miss hearing him call us sports fans, giving him hugs and seeing him play with my kids.
I won’t have Internet access while I’m in Yellowstone, but I’ll update you all on my adventures there when I return later in the week. It’s supposed to rain starting on Wednesday so I will likely only be there a couple of days. I’ve got a lot to see in that time!