Working, Walks and Women

It’s been a productive and challenging week at work. Still a relatively steep learning curve, but things are starting to fall in place more. We were hit with a very unexpected financial challenge, being asked to pay rent for a space that up until now we had been able to use for free. That meant lots of discussions with staff and board members about other venue options, of which there are not many in the small community of Byron. Luckily, the staff are working with me to figure out the best solutions possible, whether they be short or long-term. I am so grateful to work with this wonderful group of people.

Outside of work I’ve enjoyed seeing beautiful views, taking Winston on walks, we saw a herd of goats chomping down the weeds on one of our favorite paths. On another walk we saw a teenager riding his bike, blasting REO Speedwagon – what an 80s flashback! On Thursday night, I went to the Concord farmers market and music, bought some delicious strawberries and peaches, and listened to Zepperella, an all female Led Zeppelin tribute band. They are incredible!

and on Wednesday I learned amazing news, that the Port Chicago 50 and the other 206 men who had been court-martialed at the time were all exonerated! More on this in my next post.